Around 7 am I got up to use the bathroom. Nathan was up and all of the sudden we heard what sounded like a bubble pop followed by a gush of water. We both thought, "no, this can't be it, we're just being paranoid." I stood up and realized that it was indeed my water breaking and we were going to have two kids by the end of the day! That's when the Lamaze breathing came in handy! :)
We got to the hospital around 8 am and by 10 am I was being rolled back for the c-section (baby boy was breech and baby girl was oblique so that was our only option). It was not a pleasant experience but everything went well. My mom & my sister were both in town to help me with being on bedrest so it was such a blessing to have them there for the twins arrival also.
Noah HyoSung Anderson Lee was born at 10:46 and Ava SunMi Nicole Lee was born at 10:47. Noah was 5 lbs 6 oz, 19 inches long and Ava was 5 lbs 2 oz, 18 3/4 long. They both got a 9 out of 10 on their Apgar score (overall health/reaction/color scores for newborns) which is amazing since they were so early and the hospital
never gives out 10s! They got to hang out with us in the recovery room for a bit and then met us upstairs. We were in the hospital until Tuesday.
Here are a few pics & a video that the anesthesiologist was able to take on his I-phone and show me since I wasn't able to see the twins yet. There are many more pics on our flickr site :)