Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


This has been our first week on our own and I am happy to say that we are doing well. We're all a bit tired but doing well. It's been fun trying to figure out how to do things and making things work. The kids, Forrest and I even made it to Babies R Us on our own! But really, most days we just sit around looking at the twins. Who needs cable when you've got twins right?

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  1. I am super impressed that you took the babies AND the dog on an outing, by yourself! Way to go. :)
    I love Ava's chunky cheeks.

  2. I think Ava looks like Nathan and Noah looks like Katrina. Just sayin'...AND when I was in Boston this weekend, I couldn't help talking about how I held an 8 pound baby! My first one ever! :)
