Ava & Noah had a great first Thanksgiving! Their Uncle David flew out to surprise us so we spent the holiday with him and with Harabuji (Grandpa) and Haramuni (Grandma). Here are some pics from the holiday and the last week or so. As always, check out our flickr for more :)
It's been a hectic couple of weeks but all is well in the Lee household. My sister, Laura, was here for a while after my parents left and now Nathan's dad is here to help. We literally could not have gotten this far without all this help! I'm not sure anyone will ever visit again because there is no sleep for our helpers - Noah & Ava make sure of that!
We had our first outing last week - Astor place, Kmart & our new favorite tacqueria. It was quite the adventure!
I've posted new pics to our flickr and will continue to post to this set for the rest of the month so make sure you check it out!
It's hard to believe that they are already two weeks old! It's been a great two weeks - although we really haven't slept much since the 24th! Noah & Ava are doing well, both are gaining weight and seem to be growing constantly. They are becoming more and more alert and we are starting to see some of their personalities come out.
Forrest returned home this week and seems to be adjusting well. I'm sure it was a big shock for him to leave and come back to a completely rearranged apartment with two newborns. I tried to warn him but I don't think he really understood the whole pregnancy thing! They also had their first visitor, Uncle Daniel who is also Forrest's favorite dogsitter (I apologize to all other dogsitters reading this but it is true :)
We'll try to get a video of Ava up soon but for now, enjoy Noah hamming it up!