Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Other things we did in January

Aside from having lots of visitors and growing soooo much, we:

prepared for our next boxing match.

It's the eye of the tiger... :)

pretended we were frogs.



and bears.

Picture 067

cheered for the Jets.

Go Jets!

Go Jets!

practiced our smiles.

Picture 549

Picture 622

had a few cranky moments.

Picture 794

practiced sucky our thumbs.

Picture 716

and got a lot of diaper changes.

Picture 752

Overall, it was an excellent month!


  1. They are seriously the cutest babies...they should be models:) They're even cute when they're crying!

  2. My fav pics are smiling babies followed by crying babies. Cute! I hope all is well in Lee land :)
