A little over a month ago we took our very first trip as a family. First we went to Florida where Katrina presented at a conference. Then we went to Colorado to visit family and friends before Katrina's maternity leave ended. You already saw the Baek-il pictures but here are some more from our trip.
For more pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25323000@N02/sets/72157623319569861/
Here are some of our fun pics from the trip:
On the beach:

Hanging out in the hotel:
On our way to dinner:

Katrina's presentation with Melissa Tihinen:
In Colorado:
In Denver International Airport:

Hanging out with Lisa, Robyn & Joe at Beth & Stephen's place:

Meeting the Barnetts:

Ava & Tucker seeing eye to eye:


Noah's horse:

On the way back to NYC: